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Barrow Gurney Parish Council

Councillors are either elected on a four-yearly basis by residents or co-opted when a vacancy occurs. They play a vital role in shaping policy, making important decisions about the Council's budget, and overseeing the Council's activities.

Your Councillor are here to support you. As community leaders, councillors work together to propose and deliver improvements for Barrow Gurney. Their shared focus is on working collabortively in the best interest of the village.

At present, Barrow Gurney Parish Council have one vacancy. 

How to become a Councillor

You can be a Parish Councillor as long as you are:

  • over 18 years old. 
  • a British citizen

and you have to meet one of the following criteria:

  • registered to vote as an elector in Barrow Gurney Parish.
  • have lived in Barrow Gurney Parish area for at least 12 months, or within 3 miles of it for that whole period.
  • have worked in Barrow Gurney for at least 12 months, or within 3 miles of it for that period. 

Expressions of interest are invited from anyone that would like to be considered for co-option to the council. Email Clerk for more details:

